lördag 23 januari 2010

Lördag / Saturday

Todays´pictures and writing is for You "M". M is a friend from the past who hasn´t been to Stockholm - as far as I know. I often take pictures of our beatiful capital which now is where we live. I hope You sometime will take Your time to look at my older pictures from last summer here on the blog - even though you don´t understand a word of Swedish. Some Swedish friends have asked me why I suddenly started to write in English as well as in Swedish and now they get the explanation. I do my very best to get it all right but I am embarrassingly aware of my deficiencies. I will also continue to write in my mothertongue since I strongly believe that very few swedes have the ability to express themselves in english in a complete way. It´s OK to make comments on that too. I can still learn and improve! Here we go:

Äntligen i form för nya strövtåg! Vädret var inte det bästa men en liten strimma blått syntes mellan molnen. Isen ligger på Riddarfjärden även om den är uppbruten på sina ställen för att möjliggöra bygget av nya spårtunnlar.

At last, fit for new walks! Thw weather wasn´t one one of the best but a little bit of blue could be seen behind the clouds. The ice lies solid on "Riddarfjärden" ("The Knight´s Bay") even though it has been broken up to make it possible to build a new tunnel for the train.

Vy från Mariaberget mot Västerbron.
View from Mariaberget very close to us

En del frusna turister prövade om isen höll från Riddarholmen.
Some tourists tried the ice. It was safe to take a short walk. I hope You recognize our Cityhall which is the place where the Nobel Banquet is held every 10th of December. We also got married there.


Norrbro som varit stängd i 2 år skulle återinvigas vid 12. Säkert en massa folk tänkte vi, men gick dit en timma senare för att provgå och se hur fint det blivit. Vem stod där och la sista stenen på bron?
An old bridge (Norrbro) has been closed for 2 years and was going to be reopened today. We waited an extra hour to avoid the crowds but when we arrived we came just in time to see the last stone to be put in place by Victoria, Crown Princess of Sweden.

En tavla köpte vi också i en butik i Gamla Stan. Det var ett tryck från ett kopparstick över våra kvarter.
We bought a picture in Old Town. It´s a print from an engraving that shows the surroundings where we live.

Maria Magdalena Kyrka 1691
The church of Maria Magdalena 1691

...och idag. Tornet återuppbyggdes efter en brand 1759
... and today. It was damaged in a fire in 1759 and the tower was rebuilt.

Van der Nootska palatset syns inte tvärs över kyrkogården längre (se första tavelbilden)You can´t see The palace of Van der Noot across the cemetery (compare with the first picture)

Men går man in på Sankt Paulsgatan 21 så ligger det där, byggt runt 1671. Tittar man noga så ser man ändringar som takfönstren.
But if You take a small walk to 21 Sankt Paulsgatan it´s there. It was built around 1671. There are some windows on the roof that can´t be seen on the picture.

På kvällen träffade vi några vänner och slank in bl a på The Black and Brown Inn
In the evening we met some friends and went to The Black and Brown Inn among other places

Goa vännen T var ju me!
The good friend "T" was there.

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