Yesterday in Kungsträdgården was the medieval market with artisans of all kinds and these bagpipers and musicians drumming. There were suggestive tones that spread out into the audience.
JE struntade i solförbudet och exponerade näsan samtidigt som han fick lite extra fart under "pinnarna". I bakgrunden: Grand Hotel och lite av skärgårdsbåtarna vid Nybrokajen.
JE ignored that he is not supposed to expose his nose to the sun and he got a little extra speed with his "sticks". In the background: the Grand Hotel (where the Nobel Prize Laureates allways stay while visiting Stockholm).
Stockholms Ström är en populär plats för paddlare. Kanotisterna jobbar sig uppåt för att sedan låta sig dras med i de virvlande strömmarna.
Stockholms Ström is a popular spot for kayakers. The canoeists work their way up and then they get swept into the swirling currents.
But I don´t know why they paid a visit to the bird feeding place. Background: The Opera House.
I really enjoy the fact that this long and cold winter now seems to have released its grip on us. We are now looking forward to the fact that JE hopefully soon will be releasing his "sticks" and that we will get back to those long and strong walks again.
Suntrips nässkydd kanske?
SvaraRaderaJE kommer ju att få grymma armmuskler till badsäsongen!