As always, May 18 the sun was shining today. A nice cool breeze and a shining sun and we were down to Nybrokajen on the Strand. There were many boats and waiting for people to embark to different parts of Stockholm's stunning archipelago. There the trip that stays in town and go under the bridges. There are boats to Fjäderholmarna where you can watch theater and eat at the inn. It is the very closest of the archipelago. All boats going farther out stops in Waxholm where you can get off to wander the town streets or visit the castle. But we were going even further out. Therefore, our boat started first of all. "Toot toot toot" means "I am backing!"
Vi hittade bra platser ute i aktern och hoppades att inte behöva frysa alltför mycket.
We found good places outside, there in the stern, and hoped not to freeze too much.
We found good places outside, there in the stern, and hoped not to freeze too much.
Vi passerade öar med små hus som har de mest fantastiska strandlägen.
We passed islands with small houses that have the most amazing beach locations.
Båtarna är ilagda och väntar bara på att folket ska ha tid för dem.
The boats are put into the sea and just waiting for people to have time for them.
We passed islands with small houses that have the most amazing beach locations.
Båtarna är ilagda och väntar bara på att folket ska ha tid för dem.
The boats are put into the sea and just waiting for people to have time for them.
Men den här dagen var det nästan tomt när vi kom ut på Kanholmsfjärden
But this day was almost empty when we came out on Kanholmsfjärden
But this day was almost empty when we came out on Kanholmsfjärden
Så småningom kom vi fram till Sandhamn där vi kunde konstatera att våren inte alls hunnit så långt som inne i stan. Här var träden fortfarande kala. Luften var krispigt frisk när vi klev av båten.
Eventually, we arrived to Sandhamn where we found that the spring not got as far as in town. Here the trees were still bare. The air was crisp fresh when we got off the boat.
Eventually, we arrived to Sandhamn where we found that the spring not got as far as in town. Here the trees were still bare. The air was crisp fresh when we got off the boat.
Efter en god lunch på Seglarhotellet bestämde vi oss för en liten promenad. Söderbönan var bara tvungen att prova badtemperaturen men kunde snabbt konstatera att sommaren än så länge bara finns i luften och inte alls har letat sig ner under havsytan.
After a good lunch at Seglarhotellet ( The saylor´s hotel) we decided to take a walk. I just had to try the bath temperature, but could quickly find that the summer so far was only found in the air, and not at all have found its way down below sea level.
Vår promenad gick genom det lilla samhället på Sandön och vi stannade till vid
Vi var inte fikasugna alls efter en stadig lunch men jag kunde inte låta bli att knäppa en bild på skylten utanför bageriet:
After a good lunch at Seglarhotellet ( The saylor´s hotel) we decided to take a walk. I just had to try the bath temperature, but could quickly find that the summer so far was only found in the air, and not at all have found its way down below sea level.
Sandhamn ligger verkligen längst ut i kustbandet och man kan med lite skarp blick ana angöringsfyrarna där långt ute till havs.
Sandhamn is really far out in the coastal belt and with a sharp eye you can see the calling lighthouses out in the open sea.
Sandhamn is really far out in the coastal belt and with a sharp eye you can see the calling lighthouses out in the open sea.
Vår promenad gick genom det lilla samhället på Sandön och vi stannade till vid
Our walk went through the village of Sandon, and we stopped at the local bakery
Vi var inte fikasugna alls efter en stadig lunch men jag kunde inte låta bli att knäppa en bild på skylten utanför bageriet:
We were not hungry at all after a substantial lunch, but I could resist to snap a picture on the sign outside the bakery:
Self service: coffe, tea 20:- bun 15:- cookie15:- bread and butter 25: Put money in the jar. Sin the sun and enjoy - a long time
Nåväl. Någon dessert hade vi ju inte ätit så lite jordgubbar och glass slank ned utan bedövning när vi väl satt oss tillrätta på båten hem igen.
Well. We had not eaten any dessert so some strawberries and ice cream went down once we were settled on the boat back home
Well. We had not eaten any dessert so some strawberries and ice cream went down once we were settled on the boat back home
En liten båtkompis fick vi på vägen hem. Så fint den tog sig fram med djupa svallvågor längs sidorna.
A small boatbuddy joined us on our way home. How nice it went forward with the deep waves along the sides.
A small boatbuddy joined us on our way home. How nice it went forward with the deep waves along the sides.
Det är ju inte utan att man får lite skärgårdslängtan...